The CH4 Chaos Beastman range for me is quite simply brilliant. I have (luckily) managed over the past four years to collect all
of the CH4 range, but have so far only painted about 3 of 4 of them. The
shame, the shame. My painting has slowed recently due to the birth of my second child so I
have a legitimate excuse honest guv. My other child, who is 4, recently entered my man
cave (without permission) and asked if he could paint a mini. I gave him a Chaos
Warrior and he proceeded to paint him in only the one colour which was red. His
colour choice took me back to the days when the White Dwarf painters seemed to
paint every mini in red in later issues. I watched him in awe as he loads of fun painting the mini in
only the one colour. It made me realise that this wonderful hobby of ours is all about having fun. Fun. Having fun painting. I confess that I really struggle with colour choice. I do
not plan ahead, but just go with the flow so to say. Sometimes it works and most
times not. I digress. I’ve had a couple of beers with some chasers so here is
my most recent effort. Chaos Beastman Braksh:
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New
Year. This hobby of ours is unique. Personally, it brings me so much happiness.
There are so many excellent blogs out there which bring me so much joy and inspiration. Long may
it continue. Keep safe guys.